The unexplained disappearance of one of the two giraffes at the Culiacán Zoo, in the capital city of Sinaloa, has captivated local residents and sparked a wave of viral memes. The zoo’s new director, José María “Chema” Casanova Rodríguez, confirmed Thursday that when he assumed his role on Nov. 7, the giraffe was already absent. […]
Two perentie lizards, among the largest species of lizards globally, have hatched at the Los Angeles Zoo, marking the first time this species has been bred there. Native to Australia, these carnivorous reptiles are known for their impressive size, often exceeding 8 feet in length and weighing over 40 pounds. The zoo, which is one […]
Although there is a well-known observation about someone being ‘bird brained’, one Polish stork nicknamed ‘The Photographer’ seems to show that it’s not completely true. A group of wildlife enthusiasts known as the Grupa EkoLogiczna is based in an area of Poland which is a starting point for the annual winter migration undertaken by storks […]
Tour of LumiNature at the Philadelphia Zoo Source link
Das ging aber flott: Giraffenmama Sara brachte am Sonntag ein gesundes Kalb zur Welt. Die Geburt fand in den frühen Morgenstunden statt und verlief vollkommen komplikationslos. Mutter und Jungtier sind wohlauf. Das Kalb zeigte sich sofort sehr lebendig und hat bereits innerhalb der ersten beiden Lebensstunden fleißig getrunken – ein wichtiger Schritt für eine gesunde […]
Sie möchten weiterlesen? Wählen Sie eine Option: Sie sind bereits Digitalabonnent? Anmelden Monatsabo Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung Plus Logo Round Plus Logo Round Alle Artikel & Inhalte auf News-App inkl. Push-Funktion 1. Monat kostenlos, anschl. 14,95 € pro Monat Probemonat für 0 € Monatlich kündbar Jahresabo (30 % sparen!) Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung Plus Logo Round […]
Désolé, votre navigateur ne supporte pas les videos Si les éléphants ont l’habitude d’utiliser leur trompe pour s’asperger d’eau, une éléphante du zoo de Berlin a mis au point une technique plus avancée. Elle utilise… un tuyau d’arrosage. Publié à 16h29 Le maniement du tuyau par Mary, une éléphante d’Asie, est le plus récent exemple […]
Dwie kapibary przyszły na świat w zoo “Leśne Zacisze” w Lisowie (województwo świętokrzyskie). Maluchy mają się świetnie i można je już oglądać na wybiegu. Zdjęcie ilustracyjne /shutterstock /Shutterstock Para kapibar z zoo w Lisowie doczekała się potomstwa. Hania i Chudy zostali rodzicami dwójki malców. To pierwsze takie urodziny w świętokrzyskim zoo. […]
Karlsruhe Zoo in western Germany welcomed its latest additions to the world on Saturday in the form of two polar bear cubs. It was mother Nuka’s first pregnancy and, because the cubs were born in the outside enclosure, their chances of survival are seen as particularly low. What we know so far about the births […]
Get the free Morning Headlines email for news from our reporters across the world Sign up to our free Morning Headlines email A hunt using tracker dogs and drones has been launched to trace a group of raccoons which managed to break out of a zoo on the Isle of Wight. The four animals escaped […]