Fa la la la la! It’s baking season and this cake was a hit. Of course we all love cookies, and I have plenty of those on the list. My people love a breakfast sweet, and this has stood in for a simple dinner dessert on occasion as well. I know you all love to […]
BOOKWORM NEWS: Shelter by Kristen Proby is now live!! — “Remi Carter has survived her fifteen minutes of fame and is putting LA in her rearview mirror. As a former reality show contestant, she’s trading staged expeditions and faked wilderness tours for real adventures. Only one fluke storm in Glacier National Park has her stranded […]
Apple on Monday rolled out a brand-new Android app that allows users to identify unexpected AirTags nearby. Tracker Detect can also recognize other Find My-compatible devices from third-party companies. The app also makes it possible for those who do not own an iPhone or iPad to scan a tracker they have discovered and learn more […]
The transcript below may be for an earlier version of this episode. Our transcripts are provided by various partners and may contain errors or deviate slightly from the audio. Shankar Vedantam: This is Hidden Brain. I’m Shankar Vedantam. At the Olympic Games in 2021, one athlete arrived in Tokyo with a mountain of expectations […]
Most often, we want our various asynchronous tasks to start as soon as possible after they’ve been created, but sometimes we might want to add a slight delay to their execution — perhaps in order to give another task time to complete first, or to add some form of “debouncing” behavior. Although there’s no direct, […]
All my life my serve has been smooth, flowing and natural. Now, over just the last few months, it has become jerky, tight and slow. Why?? The answer reveals tennis improvement truths that are critical for all players to understand if they want to continue developing their games and reaching the next level. Find out […]
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Episode 120 (The Prairie Chicken in Wisconsin: Highlights of a Study of Counts, Behavior, Turnover, Movement, and Habitat) The Memory Palace is a proud member of Radiotopia, from PRX, a curated network of extraordinary, story-driven shows. Music We move between three different pieces from Camille Saint-Saens’: Suite, Op. 90: II Menuet, and two from Carnival of… Source […]
This article tells the story of how Stream’s Android team refined our progress tracking process during file uploads in the Stream Chat Android SDK. Our original implementation to track file upload progress worked, but it had some in-code usability and UX issues that we wanted to clean up. The following account gives an up-close look […]
At Buffer, we’re constantly experimenting with ways we can improve our products and try out new ideas. We recently launched Start Page, a beautiful, flexible, mobile-friendly landing page that you can build in minutes and update in seconds. As a Software Engineer on Buffer’s team I’ve tackled a long list of fun projects, including Start […]