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Quick Win – Image Descriptions

Images are a major part of our apps. They add meaning and interest, they give your app character and context. The adage is that a picture is worth a thousand words. But if you can’t see the image clearly, how do you know what those words are? If you aren’t providing image descriptions in your […]

Quick Win – Text Contrast

How many shades of grey do you use in your app? OK, maybe thats a bit cruel towards designers, grey is a great colour, but the problem with grey is that it can be deceptively difficult to distinguish from a background. And this problem is not just limited to greys – lighter colours too can […]

Reiterating our Use Restrictions Policy

The attack on the US Capitol, and subsequent threats of violence surrounding the inauguration of the new US administration, has moved us to reflect and reacquaint ourselves with the reality that however good the maker’s intentions, technology can amplify the ability to cause great harm. This includes us and our products at Basecamp. Therefore, we […]

Android Parcelable: There’s a better way

TL;DR Introducing the new parcelable library which enables using kotlinx.serialization to serialize data into Android Parcels to be passed between different Android Components. Android Parcelable Android’s Parcelable is an object whose values can be written and read from a Parcel. An Android Parcel is a container of values that can be sent between different Android […]

How to display date and time in SwiftUI

Displaying dates or times is a very common requirement for many apps, often using a specific date formatter. Let’s see what SwiftUI brings to the table to make it easier for developers. Coming from UIKit, if I want to display a date, my code would look like something like this. import Foundation import UIKit let […]

Create a dynamic onboarding UI in Swift

When creating new features, it’s really important to think about how our users will use it. Most of the time, the UI is straightforward enough. However, sometimes, you will want to give some guidance, to highlight a button or a switch, with a message attached. Today, we’ll create a reusable and adaptable overlay in Swift […]

Wrap-up 2020

Like before, this will be a mostly personal ramble about things that happened during the year. You’ve been warned. For the usual technical content, please tune in next year. The elephant in the room Let’s just get this out of the way: this year has been absolute rubbish. There’s no going around or sugar coating […]

A Jetpack Compose by any other name

A Jetpack Compose by any other name 30 December 2020 I really like Jetpack Compose. Between work and personal stuff I have three projects which are each built on top of it. It’s great! So far my biggest problem is its name… but that requires some explaining. Welcome to one of the hills I’ll die […]