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Prime Table Generator in Jetpack Compose

It’s been more than 6 years since I wrote an original version of this prime table generator. That was back at the very beginning of my coding career, after learning C and SDL in the first semester of university. An archived version of that original project is available here, including the sources, 120 lines of […]

Mostly Undocumented

Last year I wrote about backing up and restoring Core Data. Recently Arnaud Joubay messaged me to ask about it. I used a method called migratePersistentStore(…) to duplicate a persistent store. Arnaud asked why I had not used a similar method called replacePersistentStore(…) instead. He also sent me a link to a post on Apple’s […]

Technology in Education (Mickey Revenaugh)

Subscribe: Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Android Technology changes the way we learn and engage with content. Throughout her career, Mickey Revenaugh has worked on bringing technological advancements to education. We talked about her experience in the 80s when computers were just starting to appear in classrooms. Mickey also talked about bringing the internet to […]

The PIT Show: Reflections and Interviews in the Tech World

The PIT Show: Reflections and Interviews in the Tech World | Talking Productivity and Widgets (Yes On this Show…) with Scotty Jackson 40 ? 30 : 10)” @keyup.document.left=”seekBySeconds(-10)” @keyup.document.m=”toggleMute” @keyup.document.s=”toggleSpeed” @play=”play(false, true)” @loadedmetadata=”handleLoadedMetadata” @pause=”pause(true)” preload=”none” @timejump.window=”seekToSeconds($event.detail.timestamp); shareTimeFormatted = formatTime($event.detail.timestamp)” > 10 40 ? 30 : 10)” class=”seek-seconds-button” > Episode Details Scotty is a host on […]

Fire Up Your Oven for “Burnt” Basque Cheesecake

Why It Works Baking at a high temperature gives Basque cheesecake its signature deeply burnished surface and bottom, without the need for a crust. Sprinkling the surface of the batter with sugar before baking helps achieve deep browning. Chilling the cheesecake batter before baking ensures that the center remains creamy and doesn’t overcook. This cake […]