The body of an accident victim was recently left unattended on the road for more than four hours — with officials from Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh sparring over jurisdiction. The incident took place while Rahul Ahirwar was travelling to Delhi for work and tried to cross a road close to the state border.
“My cousin died of an accident. This area falls under Madhya Pradesh, but the body has been on the road for hours now because no one is ready to take responsibility. A Madhya Pradesh cop who came scolded us and said this does not come under their jurisdiction,” NDTV quoted a family member as saying.
Visuals shared online showed his family crying on the road as they waited next to his body for several hours. A relative said Ahirwar had married recently and was heading to Delhi for work as a labourer. The accident took place around 7:00 pm while his body was eventually moved around 11:00 pm.
Locals had rushed to inform the police after he was hit by an unidentified vehicle in the evening. According to reports, officials from the Harpalpur police station in Madhya Pradesh attended the call but left soon after reaching the accident site. They claimed that the area was not under MP police jurisdiction.
The villagers had then informed the Mahobkanth police station in the Mahoba district of Uttar Pradesh. They however insisted that this was a matter for the the Madhya Pradesh police and refused to attend to the deceased.
Residents had then blocked the road and begun protesting — while the body continued to lay on the road. The MP police had eventually returned to the scene of the accident some four hours after his death to recover the body and send it for autopsy. Traffic movement resumed after the body was recovered and the villagers had cleared the road.