Mark Zuckerberg turned heads on Tuesday (January 7), not just with his groundbreaking announcement about a major change in Meta’s content moderation strategy but also with his choice of wristwear. During a video released on Facebook, Zuckerberg wore an ultra-rare and luxury Swiss timepiece, the Greubel Forsey ‘Hand Made 1’, valued at an impressive $900,000. The extravagant watch immediately captured attention, adding an unexpected layer of intrigue to his policy announcement.
The Greubel Forsey ‘Hand Made 1’ is a symbol of luxury and precision craftsmanship, produced by the renowned Swiss watchmaker Greubel Forsey SA. The watch is extremely rare, with only two or three models produced per year. Its hefty price tag reflects the exceptional quality and the painstaking process that goes into its creation. The ‘Hand Made 1’ is a complex mechanical timepiece that showcases Greubel Forsey’s expertise in fine watchmaking, making it highly coveted among collectors and connoisseurs.
Zuckerberg’s choice to wear such a rare and expensive watch raised eyebrows, particularly considering the optics of displaying such wealth while discussing a significant policy change at Meta.