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I made a post about Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow and it was… opinionated.

I really reflected a lot on what the dissenting comments were regarding this book. Many people didn't like that I had expectations for this book, and I can appreciate how that may seem unfair. I still stand that this book was a huge disappointment. However, I took what I loved most: the Pioneers chapter. I loved the actual game roleplay and realized this is what I was truly looking for in the book in regards to a kind of expectation. So from here, I found a category of books that I had no clue existed: litRPG.

There, I discovered Dungeon Crawler Carl and it's everything I ever wanted in a cheesy game book. I understand it's not a Pulitzer Prize caliber book, but it just absolutely scratches that itch I couldn't reach.

So I make this post for anyone who commented or may have agreed that they felt lost in this book. As an 18 year WoW player and dungeon crawler myself, I definitely found joy in this series.

submitted by /u/finkleismayor

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