Xiaomi has launched its affordable Pad 7 in India. The Tablet has arrived in India at a 30,000 price point and compared to its predecessor Xiaomi Pad 6, it comes with upgrades in various departments. For a pr…
Amazon’s Republic Day Sale has officially begun, featuring significant discounts across various product categories such as smartphones, laptops, smart TVs, home appliances, and more. This article focuses on t…
The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has reached a significant milestone by successfully docking its SpaDeX satellites in outer space. This accomplishment positions India as the fourth nation globall…
TL; DR In a world where smartphones are continuously getting thinner while also managing to pack in larger batteries (thanks to innovations like silicon-carbon batteries), the trend seems to be shifting towar…
The Indian motorcycle manufacturing company Royal Enfield recently announced a new EV brand called Flying Flea. As mentioned by the company in the official press release, Flying Flea is focused on delivering …