Hastings County turns 175 years old today.
At the start of this mornings council meeting Warden Bob Mullin acknowledged the County milestone, expressing gratitude for the councilor’s and staff that had come before.
“As we continue to grow, evolve and face new opportunities, let us do so with the same commitment to supporting our people and our communities that have guided this council for 175 years.”
In 1792, Lieutenant Governor John Graves Simcoe divided the Province of Upper Canada into 19 Counties and 15 ridings. Hastings was linked with Lennox, Addington, Prince Edward and Frontenac Counties as one riding and was named the District of Midland.
New districts were added as populations increased. In 1839 Victoria District was created to be the administrative level for Hastings County.
Then, in 1850, Victoria District and others were abolished in favour of Counties.
On January 28th, 1850, Warden Edward Fidlar and members of Council sat for the first official meeting of the newly established Hastings County Council.