A devastating crash between a truck and a bus carrying young rowers shook southern Brazil on Sunday night. The accident occurred on the BR-376 national highway near Guaratuba, a coastal city in Paraná state. Nine people lost their lives when a truck with a trailer overturned onto the bus.
The ill-fated bus was transporting the rowing team from Pelotas, a city in Rio Grande do Sul state. The team was returning from São Paulo, where they had participated in a national rowing championship. The Fire Department reported the tragic news on Monday morning.
Amidst the wreckage, rescuers found two survivors. A 17-year-old athlete was pulled alive from the crushed bus. The truck driver, who had been hauling a container, also survived the crash. These survivors offer a glimmer of hope in an otherwise grim situation.
The accident’s impact extended beyond the immediate casualties. The BR-376 highway, a crucial route for South American regional trade, was closed in the southbound direction. Crews worked tirelessly to clear the debris and reopen this vital transportation artery.
Highway Police provided details about the crash sequence. The truck toppled onto the bus, with its container crushing the vehicle beneath. This explains the high number of fatalities and the extensive damage at the scene.
The city of Pelotas responded to the tragedy by declaring a week of official mourning. This gesture honors the memory of the young athletes who lost their lives while pursuing their passion for rowing.
This accident serves as a stark reminder of the dangers on Brazil’s roads. It highlights the need for continued efforts to improve highway safety and prevent such heartbreaking incidents in the future.