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Honk if you also didn’t know what this meant

Honk if you also didn’t know what this meant

So this morning I was telling Victor that I’d only recently realized that all of those “HONK IF YOU’RE HORNY” bumper stickers that everyone inexplicably had on their car when we were kids were not actually a call for other drivers to indicate they wanted to have sex, and that instead it was to keep people from honking at you when you did something wrong, because if someone wanted to honk angrily at you they probably wouldn’t if you had that sticker because it’s basically like admitting, “Yes I am sexually unfulfilled and want people to know it” and then no one ever honks at you.

And Victor was like, “Duh. Of course that’s what it meant” and then I started to wonder if I was the only person who’d thought the HONK IF YOU’RE HORNY movement was just for pervy swingers to find each other without leaving the car so then I asked two other friends and they were like, “First off, where were you when you saw this bumper sticker? 1982?” and then they admitted that they didn’t know what it meant either and so we looked it up and the internet was like, “HONK IF YOUR HORNY was a jokey play on words because you use a car horn to honk“, and somehow this is even worse because that’s not even funny and basically the whole world was driving around with a lightly sexual dad joke on their car in the 80s?

Anyway, honk if you also didn’t know this because I’m feeling very dumb right now.

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