vivo launched the X200 and X200 Pro in China in October, which began its global rollout in November and made its India debut last week. These phones are yet to go on sale in India, but the X200 is already getting a new feature with a software update in the Asian country.
The Indian vivo X200, running Funtouch OS 15, gets an AI Glare Reduction feature “that processes glare in already taken photos in Albums.” It can be found under Album > Image editing > AI erase > Glare reduction.
vivo X200’s color options in India
The update also brings a photo glare reduction switch to the default Camera app. vivo says it “automatically reduces glare effects in finished photos in certain scenarios and also allows you to keep glare effects based on your requirements.”
Additionally, this software update – having firmware version PDF2415_EX_A_15.0.9.19.W30 and requiring a download of 468MB – bumps up the Android security patch level on the Indian vivo X200 to December 1, 2024. You can check the update’s changelog below for more details.
- Updated to December 2024 Google security patch to improve system security.
- Fixed the occasional issue where features do not work properly in some apps in split-screen mode.
- Fixed the occasional issue of abnormal power consumption in standby mode.
- Added a photo glare reduction switch. Once turned on, glare reduction will work with certain photo-taking features. It automatically reduces glare effects in finished photos in certain scenarios and also allows you to keep glare effects based on your requirements.
- Added the AI Glare Reduction feature that processes glare in already taken photos in Albums. Path: Albums > Image editing > AI erase > Glare reduction.
- Optimized audio parameters to improve audio playback effects.
- Optimized third-party app compatibility to fix the occasional issue where some apps do not work properly.
Status bar & notifications
- Fixed the occasional issue where the status bar is not displayed properly in some scenarios.
The vivo X200’s Indian model runs Android 15-based Funtouch OS 15 and comes with the promise of four years of Android version upgrades and five years of security updates. The vivo X200 Pro also comes with the same software update promise.
vivo X200
vivo X200 Pro
You can read our vivo X200 Pro’s detailed review here and vivo X200’s first impressions here.