The flagship season has kicked off, and the iQOO 13 is here, powered by the Snapdragon 8 Elite chipset. This device prioritizes performance, while delivering a solid display, a 6,000 mAh battery, a 144 Hz 2K display, a few other flagship features. The camera setup is quite different from last year, though, with a smaller main sensor and a 2x telephoto lens replacing the 3x periscope on the iQOO 12.
The iQOO 13 is squarely aimed at gaming enthusiasts. It faces competition from devices like the realme GT 7 Pro and other upcoming contenders. In this detailed review, we’ll explore how the iQOO 13 performs in real-world scenarios, assess whether it offers a well-rounded experience, and help you decide if it’s the right choice for you. So, buckle up and get ready for a deep dive into the iQOO 13.
- Exceptional performance
- 6,000 mAh battery
- 144 Hz 2K LTPO OLED display
- Super fast charging with PD support
- Pre-installed apps can’t be disabled
- 2x zoom lens is underwhelming