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How to create abstract Y2K geometric shapes in Illustrator | Envato Tuts+

How to create abstract Y2K geometric shapes in Illustrator | Envato Tuts+

Final product imageFinal product imageFinal product image
What You’ll Be Creating

In the following tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a set of Y2K shapes using basic tools and effects.

If you don’t have the time to build these abstract shapes from scratch, you can find plenty of alternatives at Envato. This subscription-based marketplace has thousands of Illustrator add-ons you can download without restrictions! You can get countless Y2K shapes, abstract art shapes with a Y2K aesthetic, and more.

What you’ll learn in this tutorial

  • How to create a Y2K shape using basic tools and effects
  • How to create a Y2K shape using the Grid Tool
  • How to create a Y2K shape using the Mesh Tool in Illustrator

1. How to create a new document and set up a grid

Hit Control-N to create a new document. Select Pixels from the Units drop-down menu, set the Width and Height to 850 px, and then click Advanced Options. Select RGB for the Color Mode, set the Raster Effects to Screen (72 ppi), and then click Create.

Enable the Grid (View > Show Grid or Control-“) and the Snap to Grid (View > Snap to Grid or Shift-Control-“). You will need a grid every 5 px, so simply go to Edit > Preferences > Guides & Grid and enter 5 in the Gridline every box and 1 in the Subdivisions box. Try not to get discouraged by all that grid—it will make your work easier, and keep in mind that you can easily enable or disable it using the Control-“ keyboard shortcut.

You should also open the Info panel (Window > Info) for a live preview with the size and position of your shapes. Don’t forget to set the unit of measurement to pixels from Edit > Preferences > Units. All these options will significantly increase your work speed.

new document Illustratornew document Illustratornew document Illustrator

2. How to create Y2K elements using Illustrator effects

Step 1

Pick the Ellipse Tool (L) and use it to create a 70 px circle. Fill this shape with R=30 G=0 B=60 and then add four copies (Control-C > Control-V).

Select just one of these circles and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Pucker & Bloat. Drag the slider to about -50% Pucker, click OK, and you’ve got your first Y2K shape.

y2k element stary2k element stary2k element star

Step 2

Select one of your circle copies and go back to Effect > Distort & Transform > Pucker & Bloat. This time, drag the slider to 50% Bloat to get your second type of Y2K shape.

y2k element flowery2k element flowery2k element flower

Step 3

Select another of your circles and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. Check the Absolute and Smooth boxes, drag the Size slider to 10 px, set Ridges per segment to 2, and then click OK.

y2k element rounded stary2k element rounded stary2k element rounded star

3. How to create Y2K elements using Illustrator effect combos

Step 1

Select another of your circle copies and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. Enter the settings shown below, click OK, and then also go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Pucker & Bloat. Drag the slider to -50% and click OK.

y2k element zig zag sparkling stary2k element zig zag sparkling stary2k element zig zag sparkling star

Step 2

Select your remaining circle and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Zig Zag. Enter the settings shown below, click OK, and then also go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Twist. Set the Angle to -75 degrees and click OK. Feel free to experiment with these Illustrator effects and create your custom Y2K shapes.

y2k element twisted stary2k element twisted stary2k element twisted star

4. How to create Y2K elements using the Transform effect

Step 1

Reselect the Ellipse Tool (L) and use it to create a 55 px circle. Remove the Fill color and apply the same color for the Stroke. Increase its Weight to 4 px and align it to Inside.

Keep this shape selected and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform. Set the Copies to 1 and drag the Move-Horizontal slider to 35 px, and then click OK.

y2k element circle doubley2k element circle doubley2k element circle double

Step 2

Make sure that the circle made in the previous step is still selected, and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform. Again, set the Copies to 1, but this time drag the Move-Vertical slider to 35 px. Click OK, and this will be your new Y2K shape.

y2k element four outlined circlesy2k element four outlined circlesy2k element four outlined circles

Step 3

Grab the Ellipse Tool (L) and use it to create a 20 px circle. Fill it with the same color that we used for the other Y2K shapes.

Continue with the Direct Selection Tool (A), using it to select the bottom anchor point and move it 25 px down, as shown in the second image.

Switch to the Anchor Point Tool (Shift-C) and simply click the anchor point that you moved to turn it into a corner point.

Reselect the Direct Selection Tool (A) and use it to drag the bottom handles of your left and right anchor points as shown in the fourth image.

turn circle into dripturn circle into dripturn circle into drip

Step 4

Use the Selection Tool (V) to select the shape made in the previous step, and go to Effect > Distort & Transform > Transform. Check the bottom-middle reference point, set the Copies to 7, adjust the Angle to 45 degrees, and click OK to create your new Y2K shape.

y2k element flower design using transform effecty2k element flower design using transform effecty2k element flower design using transform effect

5. How to create Y2K elements using the blends

Step 1

Pick the Ellipse Tool (L) and create a 90 px circle. Remove the Fill color and add a 3 px Stroke. Align it to Inside and keep the same color.

Use the Selection Tool (V) to select this circle, and press Control-C and then Control-F to add a copy in the same place. Keep the copy selected and, using the bounding box, squeeze it to have a 30 px width.

y2k element concentric circlesy2k element concentric circlesy2k element concentric circles

Step 2

Select both shapes and go to Object > Blend > Blend Options. Select Specified Steps from the menu, and set it to 3. Click OK, and then you can go to Object > Blend > Make (or press Alt-Control-B) to create your new Y2K shape.

y2k element made with blendsy2k element made with blendsy2k element made with blends

Step 1

Select the Rectangular Grid Tool and simply click on your artboard. Enter all the settings shown below, and click OK to create your grid.

y2k element gridy2k element gridy2k element grid

Step 2

Keep your grid selected, and go to Object > Envelope Distort > Make with Mesh (Alt-Control-M). Set both Rows and Columns to 2, and click OK.

Using the Direct Selection Tool (A), select the central mesh point and simply drag it to distort your grid, thus creating your final Y2K shape.

y2k element distorted meshy2k element distorted meshy2k element distorted mesh

Step 3

Finally, you can add a simple background for these abstract shapes. Use the Rectangle Tool (M) to create a shape that covers your entire artboard. Simply press Shift-Control-[ to move it to the back and fill it with R=134 G=255 B=160.

y2k elements backgroundy2k elements backgroundy2k elements background

Congratulations! You’re done!

Here is how your abstract geometric shapes should look. I hope you’ve enjoyed this tutorial and can apply these techniques in your future projects.

Feel free to incorporate these geometric shapes in art designs of your own. You can find some great sources of inspiration at Envato, with interesting solutions to integrate geometric shapes in art designs.

abstract Y2K geometric shapes in Illustratorabstract Y2K geometric shapes in Illustratorabstract Y2K geometric shapes in Illustrator

Envato is an excellent resource for Y2K elements. Here’s a short list of some of the most popular abstract art shapes that you can find.

Y2K elements illustration (EPS, PNG, SVG)

What is the Y2K aesthetic if not a fusion of retro-futurism and early internet culture, defined by cyber-inspired designs? Check out this perfect example of a vibrant Y2K set of elements.

vibrant abstract Y2K geometric shapesvibrant abstract Y2K geometric shapesvibrant abstract Y2K geometric shapes

Abstract geometric shapes ( AI, EPS, PNG)

Whether you’re creating minimalist designs or eye-catching visuals, this collection of abstract geometric shapes is the perfect solution.

abstract geometric shapesabstract geometric shapesabstract geometric shapes

Abstract art shapes (AI, EPS, JPG, SVG)

Add a touch of modern elegance to your creative projects with this curated pack of abstract art shapes.

abstract art shapesabstract art shapesabstract art shapes

Abstract geometric shapes (AI, EPS, SVG)

Featuring a harmonious blend of fluid forms and warm colors, this collection of abstract geometric shapes is designed to inspire unique creations.

abstract geometric colored shapesabstract geometric colored shapesabstract geometric colored shapes

Y2K shapes set (AI, EPS, PSD, PNG, SVG)

The Y2K aesthetic is a nostalgic celebration of late ’90s and early 2000s design trends. Check out this collection of Y2K shapes that offers endless possibilities to transform your ideas into stunning art.

y2k shapes sety2k shapes sety2k shapes set

Want to learn more?

We have loads of tutorials on Envato Tuts+, from beginner to intermediate level. Take a look!

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