Ola ride experience drew backlash from a Delhi-based woman, who narrated her ordeal on social media. The woman encountered a shocking incident on December 20 en-route Gurugram, when she was travelling in Ola cab. The cab driver stopped the car mid-way and several men encircled the vehicle. The incident took place at National Media Centre, where traffic was sparse and the road was relatively deserted.
Criticising the cab aggregator for its lack of accountability, a senior manager at Genpact named Shazia A stated, “I had a nightmarish experience with OLA CAB yesterday on my way to Gurgaon.”
Through the LinkedIn post, she sought to create awareness about how to stay safe while using these cab aggregator services. Sharing her experience she said, “After crossing the toll, the driver inexplicably slowed down the cab. When I asked for the reason, he did not respond.”
She further noted that two men were standing in front of the cab who gestured the driver to pull over to the left of the road. Despite her resistance to stop or slow down the vehicle, the driver complied to stranger’s instructions. To her dismay, the driver parked the car as per their instructions.
She added, “The situation escalated when I saw two more men on bikes parking to the left of the cab, making it a total of five men, including the driver.”
Narrating the horrific happenings, she said that the driver’s instalments were due, in view of which the goons had cornered the car. When the men began moving towards the cab, she felt unsafe and ran for her life from the right door. Calling it an extremely traumatic experience, she said,” I cannot emphasize enough how terrified I felt.”
Elaborating her experience, she alleged that the Ola SOS feature stopped working. After the incident, she raised a complaint with Ola but did not receive any response.
Concluding her post, Shazia expressed concern over passenger safety, she said, it “is not just a feature—it’s a fundamental responsibility. OLA CABS/Bhavish Aggarwal – I urge you to respond to this issue immediately and take strict action to ensure passenger safety is never compromised.”