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Hi everyone, I'm working on an Android app with Jetpack Compose and trying to "cartify" groups of items in a LazyColumn. By "cartify," I mean grouping items with a shared shadow effect to give them a card-like appearance. Let's say that a group has a header and items, and the header and the last item […]
Download directly Kaushik looks at a new logging library from Square called logcat. He starts by seeing how the popular Timber library does it along with the benefits. He then interviews Pierre-Yves Ricau (Piwai) of Square, the creator of logcat, to explore its origins and advantages. You can find the full shownotes over at […]
Previously, this is our flow of using GoogleSignInClient to interact with Google Drive service. // GoogleSignInClient.silentSignIn() -> GoogleSignInAccount -> Drive object GoogleSignInClient googleSignInClient = buildGoogleSignInClient(); Task<GoogleSignInAccount> task = googleSignInClient.silentSignIn(); GoogleSignInAccount googleSignInAccount = task.getResult() Drive drive = getDriveService(googleSignInAccount) public static GoogleSignInClient buildGoogleSignInClient() { GoogleSignInOptions signInOptions = new GoogleSignInOptions.Builder(GoogleSignInOptions.DEFAULT_SIGN_IN) .requestIdToken(GOOGLE_DRIVE_CLIENT_ID) .requestEmail() .requestScopes(new Scope(DriveScopes.DRIVE_APPDATA)) .build(); return GoogleSignIn.getClient(WeNoteApplication.instance(), signInOptions); […]
For those of you interested in skipping the article, this is the GitHub link. So let’s begin! I have used Hilt and KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing — similar to KAPT) for injecting our data layer with our UI layer. The other libraries used here are Room library for storing and retrieving the notes from the […]
As a side project, I’ve been experimenting with bytecode optimization and achieved some intriguing results: 🚀 3x speedup in Android’s presentation layer ⏩ 30% faster startup times for Uber These are proof-of-concept results, but the potential feels significant. If there’s interest, I’d be happy to release the code, explore further, and explore these techniques further. […]
Download directly In this episode of Fragmented, Kaushik dives into the importance of creating your own starter template to streamline app development and minimize decision fatigue. He shares insights from his own starter template – Playground Android. Looking to the future, JetBrains has an exciting tool called Amper that might make all of this much […] My app is a essentially a "task manager" where each task has its own task timer, and (obviously) relies on the "pomodoro-style" timer to run on that particular task. So yes, being an "alarm clock," is a vital and "core" functionality of my app. Of course, this becomes a gray area, and is open […]
In a few recent projects, I’ve needed to utilise Google Maps within environments utilising Jetpack Compose. In the early days of Compose this felt light a sought-after piece of functionality – even though it is still being built on, it now seems to be in a place where I can confidently use it. In this […]
This is Part 8 of the android interview question series. This part will focus on Android architecture. 1. Can you explain the MVC and MVP patterns? What are the main differences and why are they not used in Android development? MVC is the Model-View-Controller architecture where model refers to the data model classes. The view […]