A 30-year-old tourist from Andhra Pradesh was allegedly killed in a drunken brawl at a beach shack in Goa in the wee hours of Tuesday, police said. The incident took place around 1 am in Calangute area of the North Goa district. The deceased was identified as Bhola Ravi Teja. According to the Hindustan Times, […]
The Andhra Pradesh government has announced its commitment to the development of the greenfield capital Amaravati, approving Rs 2,723 crore for road infrastructure projects. The funds will be specifically utilized for constructing layout roads in Amaravati zones 7 and 10, Municipal Minister P Narayana confirmed on Monday (23 December) “Funds for works worth Rs 47,288 […]
In the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, a wedding turned into a tragedy after a man suffered a fatal cardiac arrest on stage while greeting the bride and the groom. The incident happened in Penumada village of Krishnagiri mandal. The deceased, named Vamsi, an etailer of Amazon in Bengaluru, was attending his friend’s marriage ceremony, […]
Vijayawada: Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha has claimed that the crime rate in Andhra Pradesh has come down during the past five months of the alliance government. The minister was replying to questions in the Legislative Council on Monday from members Varudu Kalyani, Mondikota Aruna Kumar and Chandragiri Yesuratnam. Vanitha came up with a comparison of […]