In the Kurnool district of Andhra Pradesh, a wedding turned into a tragedy after a man suffered a fatal cardiac arrest on stage while greeting the bride and the groom. The incident happened in Penumada village of Krishnagiri mandal. The deceased, named Vamsi, an etailer of Amazon in Bengaluru, was attending his friend’s marriage ceremony, reported The Siasat Daily.
A video of the incident, showing the shocking incident and disruption of celebrations, has gone viral. The clip opens with the groom and bride surrounded by cheering people, who can be seen opening a gift packet. Meanwhile, laughter and cheers fill the air. The festivities turn gloomy as the man dressed in a grey T-shirt paired with similar colour jeans signals with his hand for help.
As Vamsi begins to lose balance, other guests come to his rescue. But he started leaning slowly towards the left. Guests standing near him caught him from falling and promptly rushed him to Dhone City Government Hospital, where the doctors declared him dead.
What causes a heart attack?
According to Consultant Cardiologist at Wockhardt Hospitals in Mumbai, Dr Ravi Gupta, the main factors that contribute to increasing risk of heart attacks are diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, air pollution, stress, heavy workouts and steroids, reported NDTV. He further noted that Indians are genetically prone to developing heart attacks. The risk of cardiac arrest is further compounded by the adoption of the Western lifestyle.
A cardiac arrest occurs when the flow of blood to the heart is severely obstructed or blocked, according to Mayo Clinic. The blockage happens as a result of fat buildup, cholesterol and other substances in the heart’s coronary arteries.
Below mentioned are the common heart attack symptoms one must watch out for: