Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who passed away on Thursday. preferred his modest Maruti Suzuki 800 over a luxury BMW as it reaffirmed his connection with the middle class and commitment to work for the common man. Singh’s humility and grounded nature were highlighted in a heartfelt social media post by Uttar Pradesh Minister of […]
Sonal Varma, Chief Economist (India and Asia, ex-Japan), Nomura, shares her thoughts on the Indian economy in 2024 and what holds for it in 2025. Excerpts: What has been the biggest disappointment of calendar year 2024? Current stagflation like mix of low growth and high inflation, which basically restricts any policy flexibility to respond. Everyone says consumption […]
New Delhi: Capital expenditure by central infrastructure ministries, central public sector enterprises (CPSEs) and state governments is expected to slow in FY25 after rising to a five-year high of 5.87% of GDP in FY24 due to reduced spending in the first two quarters, two people familiar with the matter said. The likelihood has prompted policymakers […]