Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who passed away on Thursday. preferred his modest Maruti Suzuki 800 over a luxury BMW as it reaffirmed his connection with the middle class and commitment to work for the common man.
Singh’s humility and grounded nature were highlighted in a heartfelt social media post by Uttar Pradesh Minister of State for Social Welfare (Independent Charge) Asim Arun.
Arun, a former Indian Police Service officer-turned politician, shared the note shortly after the 92-year-old Singh passed away at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New Delhi on December 26.
Singh, who passed away at the age of 92, is often credited for opening the Indian economy to global competition. Singh was Prime Minister of the Congress-led UPA government for two terms between 2004 and 2014.
Arun, who served as Singh’s close protection officer for nearly three years during his tenure as a Special Protection Group (SPG) officer, shared his experiences and insights into Singh’s personality, emphasising his simple lifestyle and connection with the common man.
Recalling his role as head of the SPG’s Close Protection Team (CPT) for the prime minister, Arun described the unique bond he shared with Singh.
“As the AIG CPT, my responsibility was to stay with the prime minister at all times, like his shadow. If only one bodyguard could stay with him, it had to be me,” he said.
Attachment to his modest Maruti Suzuki 800
One anecdote Arun shared reflected Singh’s simplicity – his attachment to his personal car, a modest Maruti Suzuki 800.
Despite having a fleet of high-security vehicles, including a luxurious BMW for official travel, Singh would often express his preference for the modest car.
Arun recalled Singh telling him, “Asim, I don’t like travelling in this car (BMW). My car is the Maruti.”
Arun said he would explain the security requirements of the high-tech BMW to Singh but the former prime minister‘s gaze would always turn to the Maruti Suzuki 800 as his motorcade passed by it.
“It was as if he was reaffirming his identity as a middle-class man and his commitment to caring for the common man. While the BMW might symbolise the grandeur of the prime minister’s position, in his heart, he saw the Maruti as his car,” Arun added.