Social media influencer and content creator Ankush Bahuguna, on Sunday, January 5, posted a video on his social media platform Instagram addressing how he was held hostage, isolated in a digital arrest situation for the last 40 hours. “I was missing from social media for the last three days because I was held hostage by […]
A social media influencer who was filmed shooting a firework into an apartment in Berlin on New Year’s Eve was taken into custody by German police on Saturday afternoon. The 23-year-old suspect, whose name is known to DW*, was detained at Berlin Brandenburg Airport on suspicion of attempted arson, attempted grievous bodily harm, and property […]
Böller- und Raketenunfälle sind zu Silvester keine Seltenheit. Gerade in der Stadt führen verhedderte und steckengebliebene Geschosse zu Bränden und fordern manchmal auch Verletzte. In Berlin-Neukölln sorgte ein über soziale Medien geteiltes Video zu Neujahr für Empörung. Darin sieht man den Influencer Atallah Younes, wie er einen Feuerwerkskörper zündet und gegen ein Wohnhaus richtet. Die […]
After years of sitting on the sidelines, content creators became a part of the mainstream political media this year, delivering election news, analysis, and political commentary to their online fans—all while sidestepping the traditional press. Eighty-one-year-old Joe Biden was serenaded on camera by the delightfully cringe TikTok singer Harry Daniels. Bernie Sanders stumped for Kamala […]
If we scroll back just a few weeks — prior to the accusations — Djerf’s reputation was relatively spotless. She’s been on our Instagram feeds for less than a decade, and in that time has amassed three million followers (1.5m on TikTok) and a fanbase that hails her as a quasi god in delectably oversized, […]
As a content marketer, I‘ve always been ready to team up to boost a brand’s vibe and reach. When one of my freelance clients needed some brand growth on a budget, I was pumped to jump into the influencer marketing game. Who hasn’t seen or read about the hype around influencer power, right? I mean, […]
Social Media Auftritt Hape Kerkeling geht unter die Influencer: “Otto hat mich da reingequatscht” Kopiere den aktuellen Link “Lasst uns froh und munter sein”, dachte sich offenbar auch Comedian Hape Kerkeling zur Weihnachtszeit und machte seinen treuen Fans ein ganz besonderes Weihnachtsgeschenk. Seit einer knappen Woche zählt der beliebte Social-Media-Kanal Instagram einen deutschen Comedian mehr […]
OFAC announced sanctions against the founder, as well as Elena Chirkinyan and Andrej Bradens, who also goes by the surname Carenoks, both of whom work for TGR—Chirkinyan is described as Rossi’s “second in command.” Four companies tied to Rossi and TGR have also been included on sanctions lists: TGR Partners Ltd, TGR Corporate Concierge, TGR […]
Schimpfen über die Schurken: Nicht nur im Krieg war der große Schriftsteller auch ein wirkungsvoller politischer Aktivist, wie der Germanist Kai Sina in einem neuen Buch zeigt. Die Lokalzeitung von Salt Lake City hatte einiges zu berichten, am 18. März 1938. An der Uni stand ein „Girl’s Dance“ bevor, eine Schülerin hatte einen Wettbewerb gewonnen. […]
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