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Migration Guide from Retrofit and KAPT to Ktor and KSP

Integration To integrate ktor into the project add the following lines under the dependencies node in the app module and other modules where you might have to make the network calls. // Ktorimplementation(“org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-serialization-json:1.3.2”)implementation(“io.ktor:ktor-client-core:2.3.12”)// CIO – for JVM and Androidimplementation(“io.ktor:ktor-client-cio:2.3.12”)implementation(“io.ktor:ktor-client-content-negotiation:2.3.12”)implementation(“io.ktor:ktor-serialization-kotlinx-json:2.3.12”) Then add the following line under the plugins section in the project-level gradle file. id ‘org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization’ […]

Inspektify got even better

With the release of a stable Ktor 3.0.0 version, it was important for Inspektify to support this version. Even though we already had a library available for the Ktor 3.0.0 pre-release versions, it crashed when a stable version of Ktor was used. Now, you can seamlessly integrate Inspektify into your projects that use a stable […]

New features just dropped in Inspektify

One of the requested features was adding support for Desktop targets. With this new release, I am excited to announce that Inspektify now also workswith Desktop targets! What Developers Need to Know for Desktop Targets With the addition of desktop support, developers now have an easy way to monitor and inspect network traffic directly within […]