Des documents que s’est procurés Mediapart révèlent comment plusieurs gouvernements ont manœuvré pour” “satisfaire Nestlé et préserver une appellation d’eau minérale qui n’a plus de naturelle que le nom. Source link
Mit der Debatte über die Energiewende in Deutschland ist es wie mit der erneuerbaren Energie selbst: Sie unterliegt krassen Schwankungen. Eben noch, zu Beginn des Winters, warnten Politik und Experten vor einem Mangel an grünem Strom in Deutschland, weil es an Sonnenschein und Wind fehlte – Stichwort „Dunkelflaute“. Nun befürchten sie plötzlich zu viel. Konkret: […]
The Swiss authorities have suspended the most favoured nation status (MFN) provision in the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) with India, which could affect Swiss investments in India and raise taxes for Indian firms operating in Switzerland. A December 11 statement from the Swiss finance department indicates this decision follows an Indian Supreme Court ruling […]
First they ditched the plastic wrappers, then they introduced paper tubs. But for many, changing the shape and size of some of the nation’s favourite Quality Street chocolates was a step too far. Nestlé announced the shape changes to the Purple One and Orange Crunch in March, but shoppers realised they were lighter too. They […]
Nestlé, Michelin e mais de 50 outras empresas afirmaram que a decisão da UE de adiar sua lei histórica de desmatamento está causando incerteza nos negócios e colocando investimentos em risco. A lei, que deveria entrar em vigor em 30 de dezembro, proíbe a venda de mercadorias dentro do bloco que são feitas com commodities […]