Realme went ahead and announced its V60 Pro midranger in China. It looks similar to the recently announced Realme C75 but has a more capable MediaTek Dimensity 6300 chipset at the helm. The rest of the specs include a 6.67-inch IPS LCD with HD+ resolution and a 120Hz refresh rate, an 8MP front-facing camera and […]
Vivo shared a new marketing material for its upcoming Vivo S20 series, confirming several details of the phones. The Vivo S20 and Vivo S20 Pro will debut this Thursday in China. To tease fans, the brand shared new materials featuring the phones. According to the company, these are the details fans can expect: Vivo S20 […]
Vivo is expected to launch the mid-range S20 series in China soon. The upcoming lineup is thought to include base Vivo S20 and Vivo S20 Pro models, as a follow-up to the Vivo S19 and Vivo S19 Pro, respectively. A new leak has now surfaced online suggesting key details about the Vivo S20 Pro. It could […]