Rory Sykes, a British-born Australian humanitarian and avid gamer, who was born blind with cerebral palsy and overcame immense physical challenges, passed away in the devastating Malibu fires on January 8. His mother, Shelley Sykes, took to X (formerly Twitter) to announce his death, sharing the heart-wrenching news. A life cut short “It is with […]
On September 28, Bowen Yang performed one of 2024’s most resonant pieces of political theater while dressed as a pygmy hippo. Yang was behind the desk on Saturday Night Live’s “Weekend Update” segment, dressed like Moo Deng, who at the time the show aired was the internet’s current fave. What he was saying, though, sounded […]
Of all the figures who surround Donald Trump, his eldest son may offer the best window into the future of the MAGA movement. Source link