A Hollywood è ufficialmente scoppiata la mania del biopic. Storie di grandi personalità – protagonisti della musica, del cinema, della scienza e della storia – vengono portate sul grande e piccolo schermo per incantare il pubblico, ma anche per stimolare riflessioni profonde partendo dalle vite di figure che hanno lasciato un’impronta indelebile nel loro tempo. […]
Is it safe to hand control of the deadliest army in the world to a 20-year old? If you are Thracian, Triballian, Illyrian or Theban, the answer is definitely no. Alexander becomes king and fights off threats to his rule in all directions. Source link
What’s the recipe for making a historically world-class apex predator? In the case of Alexander the Great, it might be the three Ns: Nature, Nurture, and Nepotism. Source link
Sonic Mania Plus is a popular retro-style platformer game with immense popularity among gamers. Initially released for consoles and PCs, many enthusiasts have been eager to play this exciting game on their Android devices. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of installing Sonic Mania Plus on your Android device. Download Now […]