The National Labor Relations Board issued a complaint against the hit reality show Love Is Blind in which it classified the show’s contestants as employees, opening a case that could have ripple effects across the reality television industry. What do you think? “So I should put ‘dating’ on my resume?” Steven Delaney, Commerce Enthusiast “As […]
CHÂTEAU DE CHAMBORD—Asserting that such uncouth behavior brings shame upon the glorious lineage of a court that can be traced back 12 generations, a breaking report released Friday stated that you forget yourself with such impropriety, viscount! According to sources who hold a hallowed position within this palace, you must take hold of your senses […]
WASHINGTON—At long last able to rejoice as its days of wandering in a culinary desert reached an end, the nation’s turkey-weary populace has made a triumphant return to eating shrimp, crustacean-munching sources confirmed Wednesday. “Thanksgiving was tough, Christmas was even tougher, but at last our freezers are free of turkey leftovers and shrimp can return […]
A new Pew Research poll found that 57% of adults said they would prefer to live in a community with larger houses, even if schools, stores and restaurants are several miles away. What do you think? “And I better not see a bike lane anywhere.” Blake Kilpatrick, Abstract Roofer “I walk plenty. Just this morning […]